[Worldwide retail trends for 2024]
A New Calendar Means a New Consumer: The Top Retail Reports Are In.

We’ve rounded-up and reviewed our top, must-read 2024 free retail industry trend reports so retailer leaders can start the year off, buzzingly.


The first blank page of a new year can be exciting, inspiring or intimidating – depending on who you ask. And if you’re a retail leader blazing into 2024? It’s likely a little of all of the above.

Because as the retail and consumer landscapes continue to shift, innovate and re-define themselves, staying ahead of it is a great place to start. That’s why we’ve read, identified and summarised the top 2024 much-awaited consumer retail shopping and technology trend reports – just for you. 

Let’s go.


WGSN Future Consumer 2024.


We love the deep dive it takes into the new consumer – including The Regulators, The Connectors, The Memory Makers and the New Sensorialists. The insights presented allow retailers to unwrap core sentiments when it comes to issues like ultrarapid change in technology and ways of working, overstimulation, “tragic optimism” (also a great band name, if you ask us) and the simple but powerful notion of awe. It’s a retailer’s insight paradise. 


Trend Hunter 2024 Report.


This is a standout due to its in-depth analysis and unpacking of all things AI and how more specifically, tailoring AI capabilities can work for retailers in very meaningful and thoughtful ways. To quote, this is “the year AI changes your life, job & potential”. Wow. 


Accenture Life Trends 2024.


This Accenture report takes us into the heart of life right now, with special emphasis on heart. People – and therefore consumers – are at the centre of this fascinating read. Specifically, how retailers can better navigate the new and very real tension that exists between people, technology and business. A standout theme is a new consumer desire to slow down or get back to basics in the face of tech “overwhelm.” 


Mintel 2024 Global Consumer Trends.


Mintel’s report calls out 5 big trends that point to the importance of human skills and emotion in a tech tidal wave, the changing perception consumers have about money, spending and re-defining value, the seeking out of new forms of interpersonal connection and intimacy and a new green reality surviving – and thriving – in a new climate context. To name a few. 


Nielson IQ 5 Key Trends to Watch in 2024.


Dive deeper into global inflation and the current cost of living crisis and their implications on consumer spending, lifestyle and behavior. Standout take-aways for retailers include a look into the new Era of Calculated Spending and the great consumer “shrinklation backlash”. It’s time well spent. 


GfK State of Tech & Durables Retailer Report.

GfK’s State of T&D is an ambitious and insightful 3-year trend predictor that mainly outlines the global opportunities that retailers can tap into in “Retail Revolution”. Some of these opportunities include shifts in retailer formats, a growing focus on AI ahead of blockchain and robotics, putting energy into “operational excellence” and more. 


IPSOS What the Future: Intelligence.

This IPSOS report embeds its message into the medium. Notably, the entire issue – including the cover model whom IPSOS called AI-Leen (!) is totally AI-generated using the technology in up to 30 ways ( summarizing books by authors the writers interviewed, testing headlines, suggesting questions, analyzing data and more). A cool, smart read that sheds light for retailers on what will drive the future of intelligence.


Activate Technology & Media Outlook 2024.

And lastly, Activate’s report takes a revealing, comprehensive and insightful spin into the future of our media and consumption habits, global e-commerce, the role music, podcasts, gaming, live entertainment, social video and the Metaverse will play and of course a look into the power of generative AI. A must-read on our 2024 watch. 

Other reports worth every retailer’s while include Forrester’s Predictions 2024: Retail and broader Predictions 2024 reports, the Gartner Top Strategic Technology Trends 2024 and the Future Laboratory Innovation Debrief 2023-2024.

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