Perlana Pop Lab: A journey through innovation and history.

perlana pop lab temporary store milano

In Milan, Perlana, Henkel’s iconic brand, has unveiled its first temporary store, the Perlana Pop Lab, offering a multisensory experience that showcases the brand’s history and innovations in fabric care. From 29 May to 2 June, visitors delved into the intricate world of clothes washing.

The Perlana Pop Lab celebrates the brand’s long-standing commitment to fabric care, an ethos it has upheld for decades. This innovative space, open for five days, featured a rich programme of events, inviting visitors to explore themed areas that highlight the evolution and latest advancements of Perlana. From classic corners dedicated to historical campaigns to interactive displays demonstrating Perlana’s new formula, every section of the Pop Lab aimed to provide an immersive and educational experience.




“This is not just a temporary store,” remarked Francesca D’Angelo-Valente, Marketing Director of Henkel Consumer Brands, “but a milestone for a brand synonymous with garment care excellence. The Perlana Pop Lab immerses consumers in a multi-sensory and magical experience, highlighting our latest innovation and the core value of the brand: garment longevity and reuse through careful fabric care, promoting conscious and measured consumption.”

This mission aligns with Perlana’s heritage, epitomized by the celebrated 1980s slogan, “New? No, washed with Perlana!” which garnered significant acclaim in the advertising world. Henkel has revived this slogan to relaunch Perlana Renew Caps, proving that vintage appeal remains strong. There is even speculation about a remake of the classic “Soaking Man” advertisement from the 1960s, a nostalgic nod for Boomers and Generation X, reflecting Henkel’s tradition of pairing innovation with impactful communication.